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Dare to Know! ALLEA at the Berlin Science Week

ALLEA is proud to be part of the Berlin Science Week for a second year. The science festival provides international scientists and science driven organisations with a stage to share insights into current topics, discuss grand challenges and envision the future together.

PERITIA Lectures on Trust in an Age of Disinformation

The EU-funded project PERITIA is about to start the second part of its lectures series [Un]Truths: Trust in an Age of Disinformation. Hosted by the UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life and the American University of Armenia, the series explores the concept of trust and truth in light of current events. The lectures start on 21 September and will run every second Tuesday, until November 2021.

Nature Medicine Comment on International Health Data Transfer Published

The lead authors of the ALLEA, FEAM and EASAC report ‘International Sharing of Personal Health Data for Research’ published a Comment in the journal Nature Medicine on 2 August. The piece summarises the key takeaways of the joint report, including an assessment of the legal challenges in sharing personal health data with researchers outside the EU/European Economic Area (EEA).

Videos and Illustrations of Science Communication Conference Available

ALLEA and the German science communication organisation Wissenschaft im Dialog organised an international conference on the Future of Science Communication last June. Videos and graphic recordings of the sessions are now available. Funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, the event brought together different approaches from research and practice to science communication.