Research Collaboration in Changing Times

ALLEA General Assembly 2020

The UK member academies of ALLEA will host the next General Assembly in London on 3 and 4 June 2020. Registration to the event is now open.

On the occasion of the ALLEA General Assembly, a scientific symposium on Research Collaboration in Changing Times will take place on 4 June. In addition to the symposium, the event will feature the awarding of the 7th All European Academies Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values and the annual business meeting of ALLEA’s membership.

The ALLEA General Assembly will bring together representatives of academies of sciences and humanities from 40 countries across the Council of Europe region, leading researchers, policy-makers and civil society representatives. They will discuss research collaboration in times of major transformations and challenges for Europe during the three sessions of the Symposium:

  • Protecting Collaborative Research in a Turbulent Europe
  • Balancing Excellence and Regional Equality within Europe
  • Interdisciplinary Research: The Key to the Future?

Detailed descriptions of the individual sessions and the programme are available on the website.



3-4 June 2020

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Open to the public; registration mandatory

Registration for this event will open at the beginning of 2020



ALLEA and the hosting academies of the General Assembly 2020 are closely and continuously monitoring the developments concerning COVID-19.

At this stage, and in line with current official advice, we are continuing with our plans for the General Assembly 2020. However, should official advice change, we will respond accordingly.

We will publish updates on this website, please check it regularly.

In the meantime, we encourage interested participants to continue registering for the event through our website.