TechEthos — Future, Technology, Ethics
The EU-funded TechEthos project (2021 – 2023) concerned the ethics of new and emerging technologies with high socio-economic impact. The project aimed to facilitate “ethics by design”, in other words, to bring ethical and societal values into the design and development of technology from the very beginning of the process.
Over the course of three years, TechEthos produced ethics guidelines for three technologies – carefully selected by our team for their potential socioeconomic impact on our societies and ethical implications – that work for different actors in the field, such as researchers, research ethics committees and policy makers. To reconcile the needs of research and innovation and the concerns of society, the project will explore the awareness, acceptance and aspirations of academia, industry and the general public alike and reflect them in the guidelines.
In February 2023, the work of TechEthos culminated in four policy briefs targeted at enhancing EU legal frameworks for emerging technologies in the three families of Climate Engineering (Carbon Dioxide Removal and Solar Radiation Modification), Extended Digital Reality, and Neurotechnologies. These policy briefs, were developed based on the analysis of International and EU laws and policies governing these three technology families:
- Enhancing EU legal frameworks for Carbon Dioxide Removal
- Enhancing EU legal frameworks for Solar Radiation Modification
- Enhancing EU legal frameworks for Digital Extended Reality
- Enhancing EU legal frameworks for Neurotechnologies
In the same year, ALLEA released the revision edition of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, which of takes account the latest social, political, and technological developments, as well as trends emerging in the research landscape. These revisions took place in the context of the EU-funded TechEthos project, to also identify gaps and necessary additions related to the integration of ethics in research protocols and the possible implications of new technologies and their applications.
A full overview of TechEthos’ deliverables can be found here: