This report explores and analyses relevant international and EU laws and policies for their relevance and applicability to TechEthos’ three families of technologies: Climate EngineeringDigital Extended Reality, and Neurotechnologies. Based on the analysis of the characteristics, applications and ethics and socio-economic impacts of these technologies, as emerged in previous phases of the TechEthos project, the report served different purposes:

  • To review the legal domains and related obligations at international and EU levels.
  • To identify potential implications for fundamental rights and principles of democracy and rule of law, considering both enhancements and interferences.
  • To reflect on issues and challenges of existing legal frameworks to address current and future implications of the technologies.

There is no comprehensive or dedicated international or EU law governing these technology families. However, there are many legal obligations under existing legal frameworks. The legal issues and challenges discussed in this report are grouped into applicable legal frameworks at the international and EU level.

  • Year: 2022
  • Authors: Nicole Santiago, Trilateral Research (TRI), Ben Howkins, TRI, Julie Vinders, TRI, Rowena Rodrigues, TRI, Zuzanna Warso, TRI, Michael Bernstein, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Gustavo Gonzalez, Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale (Airi), Andrea Porcari, Airi
  • Draft version submitted to the European Commission for review