ALLEA Welcomes Motion for European Parliament Resolution on Freedom of Scientific Research
European academies are longstanding advocates for academic freedom and institutional autonomy, in the interest of our knowledge societies. ALLEA therefore extends support for a recent motion for a resolution to protect the freedom of scientific research in the European Union more effectively, submitted by MEP Christian Ehler, rapporteur for the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE).
The motion contains a request for an act to create a legal framework aimed at protecting the freedom of scientific research in Europe as defined in the Bonn Declaration. The text was drafted in consultation with ALLEA and other European stakeholders who have been involved in the activities of the European Parliament Forum for Academic Freedom. The draft outlines the need to define and regulate obligations for public authorities and research organisations, as well as the rights for individual researchers that the freedom of scientific research provides.
Developments over the past years such as attacks on the institutional autonomy in some European states have shown that academic freedom must be better protected. ALLEA strives to ensure that the public as well as policy-makers are aware of the importance of safeguarding the autonomy of science through advocacy for effective protection of this right. ALLEA’s interventions against infringements include a range of actions in support of academic institutions and individual researchers under threat (see, for instance, ALLEA’s support for displaced scientists).
The motion will be presented to the European Parliament in September. Read more about ALLEA’s activities on academic freedom here.