ALLEA Welcomes Two Young Academies as New Members
ALLEA can now count among its members the Young Academy of Sweden and the Young Academy of Scotland following an election by current membership this past month. Bringing these academies into ALLEA’s network not only supports young academics – it fosters further cooperation between Young and Senior Academies as well.
The Young Academy of Sweden is an interdisciplinary academy for prominent younger researchers in Sweden. Founded in 2011 through an initiative by the Royal Swedish Academy, the Young Academy serves as an independent platform that provides young researchers with a strong voice in the policy debate and that promotes science and research, often with a focus on children and young adults.
The mission of the Young Academy of Scotland is to help Scotland’s people and policy-makers build a future that is equal, enterprising, sustainable, healthier, smarter and international. Also established in 2011 by its Senior Academy, The Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Young Academy brings together entrepreneurs, academics, business leaders, teachers and other professionals to work collaboratively for the benefit of society.
ALLEA President Antonio Loprieno extends a warm welcome to the two Young Academies:
“With the admission of additional and diverse Young Academies to our network, ALLEA has continued the important step in bringing young researchers into interchange with established academics, including and beyond Senior Academies. This enriches discussions across disciplines, borders and, crucially, generations.”