The general assembly annually convenes academies of sciences and humanities from almost 40 countries across the Council of Europe region. General assemblies are hosted by ALLEA Member Academies and the programme typically consists of the internal business meeting of academy delegates, and a scientific symposium that is open to the public. The symposium explores pressing topics from the fields of science, society, and policy, and provides a platform for international, interdisciplinary, and cross-sectoral debate. The business meeting addresses governance, strategy, and policy matters and is restricted to member academies’ delegates.

The next ALLEA General Assembly will take place on 3–4 June 2025 in Copenhagen, Denmark, kindly hosted by the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters.

A public scientific symposium will be held on 3 June under the theme Europe and the Arctic: Science and Diplomacy.

These regions, despite their differing geographical characteristics, have much in common.

They are, first and foremost, part of the same ecosystem, with elements that depend on one another—a relationship that has become increasingly apparent against the backdrop of climate change and increasing geopolitical tensions.

Science and research play a pivotal role in uncovering these interdependencies, advancing cooperation and understanding between nations and people in the High North. The symposium will explore how these interdependencies have developed, what their characteristics are, and how research-based Arctic diplomacy can shape sustainable and collaborative futures.  

More information will follow.

Past General Assemblies