The European Research Area (ERA) is a vision for a single, borderless market for research, innovation and technology across and beyond the European Union (EU). Although the ERA has in fact been in development since the year 2000, there is now an initiative for a new ERA and an ERA Policy Agenda for 2022-2024, which reaffirms the commitment to strengthen the free circulation of researchers and knowledge, joint and more efficient use of research infrastructure, excellence, attractive careers, equal opportunities, and cooperation between research and innovation actors across Europe. As the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities in the Council of Europe region, ALLEA has always been fundamentally committed to the ERA and welcomes this renewed political commitment.

With this statement, ALLEA reflects on the ERA Policy Agenda Action Points developed in the consultations of the ERA Transition Forum, in which ALLEA participated as a stakeholder organisation representing the Academies of Sciences and Humanities of Europe. We generally believe that the Action Points are well chosen, and that the actions reflect our core values and strategic priorities regarding a strong and united ERA. We look forward to furthering this multilateral dialogue with the aim of implementing an effective ERA beneficial for all Europeans.