Call for Applications for Ukrainian Academic Institutions Open
ALLEA has launched a call for applications to support Ukrainian academic institutions affected by the war. The call is part of the second funding line of the European Fund for Displaced Scientists programme, supported by the Breakthrough Prize Foundation. Applications must be submitted by 15 August 2022.
The aim of this funding is to support Ukrainian academic institutions in the continuation and/or reinstatement of their scientific operations and research collaborations, as well as to support initiatives that facilitate reintegration of researchers upon their return to Ukraine.
Applications are open for Ukrainian academic institutions (including universities, academies, and research institutes) that have been directly affected by the war. As a rule, the maximum amount applied for should not exceed €75,000 per institution.
The selection process is carried by an independent selection committee composed of senior officials from the following international, pan-European science institutions, representing universities, funding organisations, and individual researchers, including the European Research Council (ERC), European University Association (EUA), Global Young Academy (GYA), and Science Europe. The committee’s work is coordinated by ALLEA’s President.
To learn more about the application process of this second funding line, visit our dedicated webpage, where applicants can download the corresponding applications forms.
The second funding line follows up a separate, first call for applications launched on 25 May. The Funding Line 1 was set up to support academic institutions in Europe that are hosting Ukrainian scholars displaced by the war. This application process closed on 1 July.
Both funding lines are supported by $1.5 million donation provided by Breakthrough Prize Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to recognizing the world’s great scientists, advancing cutting-edge scientific research, and helping to create a knowledge culture in which everybody, especially the next generation, can be inspired by the big questions of science.