Webinar – Alternative proteins, consumers and sustainability in Europe: Where next?

We know from reliable evidence that our societies need to transition to a more sustainable food system, so that we can provide enough healthy food for an increasing world population without harming the environment. One well-known recommendation is to promote a shift towards diets with fewer animal products and more alternative proteins.

To accelerate this shift, many turn to innovative foods, such as cultivated (cultured) or plant-based meat. These look like very attractive solutions, as they offer the prospect of significantly reducing the negative effects of animal consumption on human health and the environment, while offering meat-eating consumers a similar sensory experience. But how big a contribution can these innovations make to the broader transition to a more sustainable food system? What does the evidence tell us about consumer attitudes and perceptions of food technologies, and what are suggested ways forward?


  • Céline Tschirhart, SAPEA
  • Alex Holst, the Good Food Institute Europe
  • John Thøgersen, Aarhus University
  • Chris Bryant, University of Bath

Moderator: Michael Creek, Stickydot


11 February 2021, 15:00 CET

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