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Antonio Loprieno elected next President of ALLEA

ALLEA Member Academies elected in Budapest on 4 September Professor Antonio Loprieno as the next ALLEA President for the term 2018-2021. President-elect Loprieno will assume his position during the next General Assembly at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia in May 2018, following the end of the second term of ALLEA President Günter Stock. […]

ALLEA Board starts preparations for the 2018 Presidency transition

ALLEA Board Members convened at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest on 3 September 2017 and started preparations for the upcoming transition of the ALLEA Presidency. The ALLEA Board Members met on 3 September 2017 at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. Participants discussed the next steps for ALLEA, including upcoming publications, working […]

SAPEA vacancy: Senior Scientific Policy Officer

SAPEA is advertising a vacancy for a full-time Senior Scientific Policy Officer, located in Brussels, Belgium. Further details can be found below: Senior Scientific Policy Officer (code number 45/2017) Application deadline: September 22, 2017 For the EU-funded project SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) acatech is seeking a full-time Senior Scientific Policy Officer (SSPO). […]

A(LLEA) vision for the future of European research

Experts from academies across Europe release position paper on the next framework programme for European research and innovation Berlin, 12 July 2017 – An expert working group by the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA) released today the position paper Developing a Vision for Framework Programme 9 which evaluates and draws conclusions […]

ALLEA Framework Programme 9 Working Group meets in Brussels

ALLEA’s Framework Programme 9 Working Group (FP9WG) met in Brussels on 8 May to discuss contributions from ALLEA to the development of the EU’s research and innovation Framework Programme 9 starting in 2021, succeeding the current Horizon 2020 programme. The Group had a series of discussions about how aspects of Horizon 2020 could be constructively […]

Creating a supportive climate for research integrity is the next big challenge for the academic system

The lead author of the revised European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, Dr Maura Hiney, elaborates on the key aspects of the new edition. In addition to her involvement in ALLEA. Dr Maura Hiney was chair of the Science Europe Working Group on Research Integrity during its remit, and is Head of Post-Award and Evaluation at Health Research Board (HRB) in Ireland, which includes the development of policy for the organisation.