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Why should mitigation, adaptation and climate justice be at the heart of education?

We speak with Cliona Murphy, chair of the ALLEA Science Education Working Group, about what is missing on climate science education in Europe according to the initial findings of a pan-European survey. The research underlines the need to support effective teaching and learning about climate change and to promote content knowledge; scientific, critical thinking and problem-solving skills; and, attitudes towards mitigating climate change.

SAPEA launches a series of webinars on sustainable food systems

The challenges of creating a sustainable food system for Europe will be examined in a series of high-profile webinars in the second half of 2020 — including an analysis of changing consumer attitudes in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. 
The first event in the series, planned for Thursday 2 July, will focus on changes observed during the Covid-19 pandemic, and will be co-hosted by UK sustainability campaign organisation Hubbub. 

ALLEA admits new members and elects a new Board

ALLEA President Antonio Loprieno proclaimed the outcomes of the 2020 General Assembly during a videoconference with the delegates of ALLEA member academies earlier today. 
Most notably, the delegates voted to admit two new member academies, the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts, as well as the German young academy, Die Junge Akademie.