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How do we use data in the 21st century?

Data, in its multitude of iterations and the way we make use of the information it contains, affects nearly all aspects of life today, yet rarely do we ever consider what the deeper implications at the governance level are. ALLEA joins forces with The Royal Society to organise the conference “Flourishing in a data-enabled society”. […]

SAPEA launches open call for evidence for project ‘Transforming the Future of Ageing’

The European population is ageing rapidly and life expectancy continues to increase. Europe needs to ensure that the increasing numbers of elderly people can spend those extra years of life in good health, with adequate functional ability, and opportunities to contribute to society. To ensure healthy ageing of the European population, a broad range of […]

SAPEA provides evidence for the European Commission on authorisation of Plant Protection Products

SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) has published its third Evidence Review Report titled Improving authorisation processes for plant protection products in Europe: a scientific perspective on the assessment of potential risks to human health. The report examines the methods and procedures for assessing potential harmful effects on human health from the use […]

ALLEA’s FP9 Working Group meets in Stockholm to discuss proposal for Horizon Europe

The ALLEA Framework Programme 9 Working Group met in Stockholm on 4 June 2018 on the invitation of the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities to agree on future actions concerning the European Commission’s proposal for the next framework programme for research and innovation: “Horizon Europe”. The experts critically assessed guiding principles, structure, […]

ALLEA publishes Discussion Paper on Loss of Trust in Science and Expertise

The discussion paper focusses on how trust in expertise is placed or refused, highlights the affective dimension of epistemic trust, and discusses the danger of a ‘context collapse’ in digital communication. Experts from academies across Europe reflect on the current situation in which expertise and particularly research and science operate in societies today, and what […]

Health Inequalities – how do different disciplines deal with it?

The symposium “Health Inequalities – an interdisciplinary discussion on socioeconomic status, health and causality” took place on 24 May in Amsterdam. This event was featured by a joint project initiated by ALLEA in cooperation with the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM), and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). The symposium gathered […]

SAPEA provides evidence for the European Commission on Carbon Capture and Utilisation technologies

SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) has published its second Evidence Review Report titled Novel Carbon Capture and Utilisation Technologies: research and climate aspects. The report explores whether Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) technologies have the potential to contribute significantly to mitigating the effects of climate change. As an integral part of the […]

New recommendations on Open Data in Science in Europe

Recommendations put forth by the European Members of the International Council for Science The European Members of the International Council for Science (ICSU) have released a statement containing a series of recommendations concerning Open Data in Science. The recommendations aim to make data more easily accessible to researchers, so as to enhance the overall quality […]

Antonio Loprieno becomes the new President of ALLEA

The President of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and former rector of the University of Basel takes over the Presidency of ALLEA for the 2018-2021 term during the General Assembly at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Professor Antonio Loprieno assumed the Presidency of the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities, ALLEA […]

Andrea Pető receives the 2018 ALLEA Madame de Staël Prize

European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel awarded the Prize to Andrea Pető, Professor of the Central European University, during a festive ceremony at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia. Andrea Pető, Professor at the Department of Gender Studies of the Central European University in Budapest (Hungary), received the 2018 All European Academies Madame de Staël Prize […]