Paving the Way to a Scientifically Literate Society Must Begin in Primary School

On 14 March 2024, ALLEA released a new statement advocating for strengthening the scope and role of science education curricula, at the primary and post-primary level, to equip young learners with the requisite knowledge, skills, and values to become informed, critical, responsible, and ethically conscious participants in a scientifically literate society.  

In our modern world, where science and technology are deeply ingrained in every facet of our lives, it is becoming increasingly clear that society’s welfare, progress, and perhaps survival, hinges on building a citizenry that’s well versed in the ‘Nature of Science’ (NOS). While we go about most of our days engaging with science and technology without paying much attention to their marvels, there are times of crisis, such as during the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, that the importance of ‘science literacy’ becomes unmistakable. Furthermore, the rise of new technologies and scientific progress brings with it ethical questions – and it will become ever more critical for upcoming generations to learn how to recognise and answer them. This ALLEA Statement argues that in order for them to be equipped with the skill-sets and values to successfully navigate such potential ethical dilemmas related to science and research, and more broadly to become active and informed citizens, current science education curricula, at the primary and post-primary level, needs to be broadened to include the NOS as well as research ethics.  

Entitled, ‘Early Learning Opportunities for Shaping a Scientifically Literate Society’, the statement provides illustrations of the benefits of learning about the NOS and research ethics, which include, among others:  

  • Upholding trust in science, scientists, and scientific institutions Teaching young learners that uncertainty and different interpretations, as well as the evolution of scientific knowledge based on new data and insights, are imperative to science could prevent the erosion of trust in science, scientists, and scientific institutions that often stems from a poor understanding of the scientific process.  
  • Defending against science mis- and disinformation  A better understanding of the NOS, for instance recognising who is considered an expert, why scientists may disagree, and their motivations, would help the next generation spot reliable information and credible sources, and thereby make them less susceptible to science mis- and disinformation.  
  • Developing ethical, informed, and compassionate citizens – Learning to reflect on values and ethics at an early age contributes to moral character development and helps guide children in their behaviour throughout their lives. Similarly, stronger incorporation of research ethics as part of science education curricula could support young people in developing the knowledge, skills, and values required to competently analyse and critically question the moral and ethical dimensions of scientific discoveries, new technologies, and experiments, which will be critical to societal well-being in an increasingly technology-dependent world. 

The statement goes on to outline recommended actions to shape a scientifically literate society from the ground up, which include, among others: 

  • Incorporating learning objectives on the NOS and research ethics into primary and post-primary curricula, through the targeted integration of the pedagogies into existing science education programmes 
  • Increasing the enrolment of schools into participatory research and citizen-science projects to not only increase basic understanding of science, but also to encourage young people to pursue STEM careers 
  • Supporting the development and implementation of NOS and research ethics pedagogical courses in initial teacher education (ITE) and continuous professional learning (CPL) programmes for teachers 

This ALLEA statement was formulated by the ALLEA Working Group Science Education, with Dr Cliona Murphy (WG chair), Mathijs Vleugel and Maria Ronald (ALLEA Secretariat) as principal authors. Additional insights were obtained from the ALLEA Permanent Working Group on Science and Ethics and external expert Dr Eve Poole. 

Read the full statement here 

ALLEA Working Group on the ERA Meets to Discuss International Research Collaboration

Semi-annual meeting of ALLEA Working Group on the ERA


The ALLEA Working Group on the European Research Area (ERA) met online on 12 March 2024 to address key developments and strategies for the advancement of European research collaboration and funding.

The meeting, attended by representatives from 17 ALLEA Member Academies, featured discussions on critical issues, such as the upcoming EU Framework Programme for Research & Innovation (FP10), the challenges for international research collaboration, and research (in)security in the context of rising geopolitical tensions.

ERA Forum for Transition

Following a warm welcome by the working group chair, Professor Arben Merkoçi from the Academy of Sciences of Albania, the meeting began with a comprehensive update on recent developments within the ERA Forum for Transition, an expert group in which ALLEA represents the European Academies of Sciences and Humanities. Deliberations included progress updates on the ERA Policy Agenda 2025-27 and guidelines for the responsible use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) in research. Additionally, the introduction of the new ERA Policy Platform sparked interest among participants and was welcomed as an important instrument for enhancing collaboration and coordination within the European research community.

Framework Programme 10 (FP10)

Discussions surrounding FP10 highlighted the impact of the recently published ‘ALLEA Statement on the Guiding Principles for FP10′. The lack of sufficient funding for basic and excellent research and the ongoing controversy surrounding ‘widening’ participation in the EU sparked a spirited dialogue among the working group members on how to encourage more inclusive research practices and equitable participation across European regions.

Research collaboration versus research security?

In the context of rising geopolitical tensions around the world, the working group discussed how European research is being adversely affected by malicious interference, and how open research collaboration is being misused in ways that impact Europe’s security, as well as its ethical principles and social norms, such as research integrity, academic freedom, and institutional autonomy. A recent Proposal by the European Commission for a Council Recommendation on Research Security and consultations on a White Paper aimed at enhancing support for research and development involving technologies with dual-use potential were also discussed.

The ALLEA General Assembly 2024, celebrating 30 years of ALLEA, will feature an open forum for ALLEA Member Academies, as well as a Public Symposium, titled, ‘European Research Collaboration in a Shifting Geopolitical Landscape’, to further discuss these topics, which are integral to the future of European research and innovation. Register now!

Intellectual Property and New Genomic Techniques: Webinar Highlights

Exploring the intricate domain of Intellectual Property (IP) regulations and their impact on crop breeding in Europe, the webinar ‘Impact of the IP System on New Genomic Techniques’ ignited engaging discussions among participants on 6 March 2024. 

At the heart of the webinar was the presentation of the recent ALLEA statement ‘Measures to Ease the Impact of the IP System on New Genomic Techniques for Crop Development‘. This publication outlines potential measures aimed at alleviating the challenges imposed by the prevailing IP system on NGTs. Following this presentation, two stimulating impulses further enriched the discussion, paving the way for an engaging exchange of ideas subsequently. The recording of the statement’s introduction, as well as the two impulses, is available below. 

The webinar served as a forum for an inclusive exchange of perspectives, with stakeholders from diverse sectors —including breeders, farmers, researchers, and policymakers— actively engaging in the dialogue.  

The participants explored the practicalities and possible consequences of implementing the diverse measures outlined in the ALLEA Statement, aiming to strike a balance between fostering innovation and ensuring equitable access to these technologies and their products. Various voluntary and legislative solutions were evaluated within the broader context of patent systems in place in other parts of the world and compared to the experiences gained in other fields of technology. 

Highlighting the importance of a nuanced approach, participants underscored the necessity of first conducting more thorough analyses regarding the possible positive and negative impacts of potential measures, especially also in the light of ongoing European endeavours to develop a new regulatory framework for NGTs.

ALLEA Holds Workshop to Depolarise the Debate on Sustainable Agriculture

On 31 January, ALLEA and Re-Imagine Europa (RIE), its partner in the Task Force on Sustainable Food Systems and Innovation, jointly organised an invite-only workshop to discuss the increasingly polarised nature of the current debates on need for, and transition to, sustainable food systems in Europe.  

2024 General Assembly in Berlin: Registration Is Now Open

ALLEA is delighted to announce that registrations are now open for its upcoming general assembly, set to convene in Berlin, Germany, on 22–23 May 2024. This event, celebrating ALLEA’s 30th anniversary, promises a dynamic platform for intellectual exchange and collaborative engagement.

At the heart of the assembly is a public symposium, ‘European Research Collaboration in a Shifting Geopolitical Landscape: How Open Can We Be?’ on 22 May. Co-hosted by the German National Academy of Sciences – Leopoldina, the German Young Academy – Die Junge Akademie, and the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities, this public event will ignite conversations on the evolving dynamics of cross-border research collaboration amidst geopolitical shifts.

Distinguished physicist Professor Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General of CERN and recipient of the 2023 ALLEA Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values, will deliver a keynote address following the award ceremony. A subsequent high-level panel discussion, featuring experts from academia and policy spheres, will delve into the challenges and opportunities presented by geopolitical complexities in scientific collaboration.

Who should attend this event?

The public symposium on 22 May explores pressing issues from the fields of science, society, and policy. It provides a platform for international, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral debate. Participation is open to all and is free of charge. This is an in-person event. An online livestream will be provided.

In addition to the public symposium, ALLEA Members are invited to participate in an internal business meeting on the morning of 22 May. The business meeting addresses governance, strategy and policy matters and is restricted to member academies’ delegates.

For detailed programme information and to register for the event, please visit the ALLEA General Assembly website.

ALLEA Releases Statement Addressing IP Challenges for Developing Crops Using New Genomic Techniques

Today, ALLEA released a statement addressing concerns surrounding the impact of the current intellectual property (IP) system on the adoption and development of New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) for crop breeding. The outcomes will be further discussed during an open webinar on Wednesday, 6 March, 14:00 (CET).

The statement entitled, ‘Measures to Ease the Impact of the IP System on New Genomic Techniques for Crop Development’, examines how the current IP system affects the operations of European breeders and farmers, especially small ones. It provides a range of short-, medium-, and long-term recommendations to overcome possible obstacles posed by the current IP system.

Due to their potential to contribute to sustainable crop development, environmental safety, and food security, the enhanced precision and speed offered by NGTs, such as genome editing through the use of CRISPR-Cas, are considered to offer promising advancements in crop breeding  (see ALLEA’s work on NGTs for more information). However, the current IP landscape, which is governed through the European Union (EU) Biotechnology Directive 98/44/EC and the special Plant Breeders’ Rights, presents various challenges for breeders and farmers, including concerns about unintentional patent infringement, monopolisation of these technologies and the resulting plant varieties, and licensing complexities.

This statement highlights the increasing complexity of the patent landscape for NGT plants and products, which would arise primarily due to the increased speed in which new varieties can be produced, as well as the fact that plant varieties developed with NGTs may not be easily distinguishable from those generated by traditional breeding techniques. It also draws attention to the uncertainty arising from legal disputes surrounding patents on CRISPR-Cas9 technology. In addition, the lack of transparency and clarity in licensing agreements pose substantial obstacles to innovation and equitable access to these technologies.

In response to some of the challenges resulting from the current IP system, measures proposed in this statement provide a toolbox for multi-faceted solutions.

“The proposed short- and medium-term measures could be implemented relatively quickly and should help to alleviate some of the challenges for breeders and farmers by increasing transparency and access to these technologies. At the same time, however, it may be necessary to explore a more fundamental redesign of our IP system for food plants and related technologies in order to provide a more structural and future-proof solution.”

Heinz Müller, Task Force Chair

This comprehensive statement on IP for New Genomic Techniques underscores the urgency of a nuanced approach. To arrive at these recommendations, a dedicated task force, consisting of leading experts on the topic, consulted with stakeholders representing a variety of perspectives, including patent holders, small breeders, academic researchers, and NGOs.

“With the increasing pressures on our food systems arising from climate change and geopolitical developments, collaboration among diverse stakeholders is paramount to securing the availability of sufficient and high-quality food. The proposed measures aim at supporting future European food systems that are more sustainable and serve the needs of our society.”

– Antonio Loprieno, ALLEA President

On Wednesday, 6 March, 14:00 (CET) a webinar will take place to discuss the outcomes of this statement, and further explore the implications of its recommendations as well as their potential impact in this field.

Read the full statement here

ALLEA Welcomes Launch of European Research Area Policy Platform

Last week marked a significant step towards a more integrated European Research Area (ERA) with the official launch of the ERA Policy Platform by the European Commission.

This ‘one-stop-shop’ serves as a gateway to comprehensive information on current ERA policies, activities, and achievements. It reflects the joint ambition of EU Member States, the European Commission, associated countries, and Research and Innovation (R&I) stakeholders such as ALLEA for a unified, borderless market for research, innovation, and technology across Europe.

Following this goal enshrined in Article 179 of the Lisbon Treaty, the ERA Policy Platform is an integral part of the new ERA governance framework and the Pact for R&I in Europe. Its multifaceted role includes providing up-to-date information on the implementation of the ERA Policy Agenda, showcasing EU-wide activities contributing to ERA progress, and serving as a repository for key ERA-related documents.

As such, the ERA Policy Platform serves as a central space for communication among various stakeholders interested in advancing ERA objectives. EU Member States, countries associated with Horizon Europe, and R&I stakeholder organisations can actively contribute to the platform, fostering collaboration and supporting the ERA monitoring system by sharing relevant information, data, or documents at both national and EU levels. The platform also serves as a source of information for interested citizens, in line with the goal of fostering inclusivity through a borderless market that benefits individuals across Europe.

ALLEA is pleased to contribute valuable insights from the European academies to the platform through the active involvement of its working group on the ERA in the ERA forum. As an umbrella organisation of academies from across Europe, ALLEA’s involvement reflects the collaborative spirit of the ERA’s ambitious objectives.

For more information on the ERA Policy Platform and to explore its features, please visit the European Research Area Platform website:

Nominations Open for 2025 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, Life Science and Mathematics

In collaboration with ALLEA, the Breakthrough Prize is releasing the call for nominations for the 2025 awards in fundamental physics, life sciences, and mathematics. This prestigious international recognition celebrates groundbreaking research and advancements in these fields. ALLEA warmly invites members of the European scientific community to participate actively by nominating individuals and teams for these esteemed awards. This is an opportunity to spotlight the outstanding contributions of European scientists on the global stage, emphasising their vital role in shaping the landscape of research worldwide.


Press release, The Breakthrough Prize, 9 January 2024

The public nomination period for the 2025 Breakthrough Prizes in Fundamental Physics, Life Sciences and Mathematics is now open. Nominations can be submitted online today through 1 April 2024. While self-nominations are prohibited, anyone may nominate another person. The nomination forms and rules are available at

For the 13th year, the Breakthrough Prize, recognised as the world’s largest science prize, will honour top scientists, handing out three prizes in Life Sciences, one in Fundamental Physics and one in Mathematics. Each prize comes with a $3 million award. In addition, six New Horizons Prizes, each for $100,000, will be available to promising early-career researchers in the fields of Physics and Mathematics. Nominations will also be taken for the Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prize, an annual $50,000 award presented to early-career women mathematicians who have completed their PhDs within the previous two years.

The Breakthrough Prize, dubbed ‘The Oscars of Science,’ hosts an annual globally broadcast gala awards ceremony to celebrate the laureates’ achievements and to foster broad popular support for scientific endeavours and inspire the next generation of scientists. The cohort of 2024 laureates was announced in September 2023.

For the eighth year, the Breakthrough Prize will partner with two prestigious institutions – the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities (ALLEA) and ResearchGate – to directly engage with researchers and the science community.

ALLEA brings together more than 50 academies from over 40 countries, with members leading scholarly enquiry across all fields of the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

ResearchGate is the professional network for researchers. Over 20 million researchers use to share and discover research, build their networks, and advance their careers. Based in Berlin, ResearchGate was founded in 2008. Its mission is to connect the world of science and make research open to all. ResearchGate members are encouraged to nominate their peers for the 2025 prizes in Fundamental Physics, Life Sciences, and Mathematics.

Selection Committees are composed of previous Breakthrough Prize laureates, who select the winners from the list of candidates generated during the nomination period.

Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics

One 2025 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics ($3 million) will recognize an individual or individuals who have made profound contributions to human knowledge. It is open to theoretical and experimental physicists. The prize can be shared among any number of scientists. Nominations are also open for the New Horizons in Physics Prize, which will include up to three $100,000 awards for early-career researchers who have already produced important work in their fields.

The Selection Committee for the 2025 physics prizes includes: Eric Adelberger, Nima Arkani-Hamed, Charles H. Bennett, Charles L. Bennett, John Cardy, Sheperd Doeleman, Michael Green, Jens Gundlach, Alan Guth, Blayne Heckel, Joseph Incandela, Charles Kane, Hidetoshi Katori, Alexei Kitaev, Andrei Linde, Arthur McDonald, Juan Maldacena, Eugene Mele, Lyman Page, Saul Perlmutter, Alexander Polyakov, Adam Riess, John Schwarz, Nathan Seiberg, Ashoke Sen, David Spergel, Andrew Strominger, Cumrun Vafa, Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Yifang Wang, Rainer Weiss, Edward Witten, and Jun Ye.

Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences

Three 2025 Breakthrough Prizes in Life Sciences ($3 million each) will be awarded to individuals who have made transformative advances in comprehending living systems and extending human life. One of the prizes is designated for progress in understanding of Parkinson’s disease or other neurodegenerative disorders.

The Selection Committee for the 2025 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences includes: David Allis, James Allison, Victor Ambros, David Baker, Shankar Balasubramanian, Cornelia Bargmann, Alim Louis Benabid, Frank Bennett, David Botstein, Edward Boyden, Clifford P. Brangwynne, Lewis Cantley, Emmanuelle Charpentier, Zhijian “James” Chen, Joanne Chory, Don Cleveland, Hans Clevers, Karl Deisseroth, Titia de Lange, Mahlon DeLong, Jennifer Doudna, Catherine Dulac, Stephen Elledge, Napoleone Ferrara, Jeffrey Friedman, Thomas Gasser, Sabine Hadida, Michael Hall, John Hardy, Ulrich Hartl, Demis Hassabis, Helen Hobbs, Arthur Horwich, Anthony A. Hyman, John Jumper, David Julius, Carl June, Katalin Karikó, Jeffery W. Kelly, David Klenerman, Adrian Krainer, Eric Lander, Robert Langer, Virginia Lee, Richard Lifton, Dennis Lo, Pascal Mayer, Emmanuel Mignot, Kazutoshi Mori, Kim Nasmyth, Paul Negulescu, Harry Noller, Roeland Nusse, Yoshinori Ohsumi, Svante Pääbo, Gary Ruvkun, Michel Sadelain, Charles Sawyers, Ellen Sidransky, Andrew Singleton, Fredrick Van Goor, Alexander Varshavsky, Bert Vogelstein, Peter Walter, Robert Weinberg, Drew Weissman, Shinya Yamanaka, Masashi Yanagisawa, Richard Youle, Xiaowei Zhuang, and Huda Zoghbi.

Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics

One 2025 Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics ($3 million) will be awarded to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the field of mathematics. Nominations are also open for the New Horizons in Mathematics Prize, which will include up to three $100,000 awards for early-career researchers who have already produced important work in their fields. In addition, up to three $50,000 Maryam Mirzakhani New Frontiers Prizes will be presented to early-career women mathematicians who have completed their PhDs within the previous two years (2019, 2020).

The Selection Committee for the 2025 mathematics prizes includes: Ian Agol, Simon Brendle, Alex Eskin, Simon Donaldson, Martin Hairer, Maxim Kontsevich, Christopher Hacon, Vincent Lafforgue, Jacob Lurie, James McKernan, Takuro Mochizuki, Daniel Spielman, Terence Tao, and Richard Taylor.

Information on the Breakthrough Prizes is available at

[End of press release]

ALLEA Announces Date and Theme for 2024 General Assembly in Berlin

ALLEA is delighted to announce its forthcoming 2024 General Assembly, scheduled to convene in Berlin on 22–23 May 2024, celebrating the organisation’s 30th anniversary and co-hosted by its German member academies.

ALLEA Ceases Activities on X/Twitter

After careful consideration, ALLEA has decided to cease communication activities on X, formerly known as Twitter, starting from January 2024. ALLEA’s commitment to academic freedom and science as a global public good is at the core of its activities, and X’s current policies don’t align with its mission.

This decision wasn’t made lightly, and we appreciate the support of our community throughout this journey. Moving forward, we invite you to join us on LinkedIn and Mastodon. ALLEA remains dedicated to fostering collaboration, dialogue, and the dissemination of knowledge within the academic and scientific community. Thank you for your continued support as ALLEA navigates this transition and continues to uphold our values in the pursuit of advancing science and the humanities.

Follow ALLEA on LinkedIn / Mastodon, or subscribe to our newsletter.