ALLEA co-organises debate on “Demographic Change in Europe” at the European Parliament

POSTER-EPRS_DemographicChangeOn Tuesday, 24 March 2015, ALLEA is participating in a debate jointly organised with the European Science Foundation (ESF) and the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS). The event is taking place at 18:00 in the EPRS Library Reading Room on the premises of the European Parliament and focusses on the topic of demographic change, a critical subject for the future of Europe.

The speakers include the ALLEA President, who is delivering the introductory address, as well as a panel of experts from both academia and the European Parliament including Professor Ursula Staudinger, Founding Director of the Robert N Butler Columbia Aging Center, and Dr. Harald Wilkoszewski, Head of the Information Centre Brussels of Population Europe, the Network of Europe’s Leading Demographic
Research Centres. After the panel discussion, a debate is envisioned with members of the European Parliament to allow for further examination of demographic change and its many facets, which include aspects such as the ageing society, low childbirth rates, and labour policies, among others.

In the wider context, the event seeks to explore how scientific perspectives can demonstrably contribute to developing effective approaches and solutions for major societal challenges. More concretely, it illuminates the value of contributions from the humanities and social sciences in particular for addressing pressing cross-cutting issues such as demographic change, which is highly influenced by social and economic factors. Thus, issues such as demographic change are also indicators for the growing need to consider both scientific perspectives from the social sciences and humanities as well as from the more technical fields when developing policies that tackle societal challenges..

Click here to download the event programme.


ALLEA supports the “Statement supporting European Directive 2010/63/EU” on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes

ALLEA supports the “Statement supporting European Directive 2010/63/EU” on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes” prepared by the Wellcome Trust, the international charitable foundation dedicated to funding biomedical research and supporting the medical humanities. The European Directive was drafted in 2010 and regulates the use of animals when performing research.

The statement, which was released on 3 March 2015, urges the European Parliament and Commission to refuse the “Stop Vivisection” Citizens’ Initiative. The initiative is campaigning against this directive and seeks to ban all animal research.

The Wellcome Trust statement supports animal research “where alternative methods are not available, where the potential benefits to health are compelling, and where acceptable ethical and welfare standards can be met. The Directive has enhanced animal welfare standards and introduced the concepts of refinement, replacement and reduction across the EU, while ensuring Europe remains a world leader in biomedical research.”

Animal research led to major breakthroughs in medicine which have improved the health of both humans and animals. However, it is still important to not only understand the health and diseases of humans and animals, but also to further develop and improve their treatment for people all over the world. Therefore, animals must continue to play a vital role in this research where no viable alternatives are available.

Along with over 60 other signatories including Member Academies as well as EASAC, ALLEA supports the Wellcome Trust statement.

The statement can be accessed here.

ALLEA supports British Academy recommendations on the regulation to establish the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI)

news bannerALLEA, in view of the regulation proposed by the European Commission, and under discussion in the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament, to establish the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), which foresees a cut to the EU research and innovation programme Horizon 2020 by €2.7 billion, fully endorses the following recommendations originally published by its member, the British Academy, on 18 February 2015. ALLEA urges those in the European institutions mentioned to work towards amending the EFSI regulation accordingly during the upcoming deliberations:

Boosting job creation and economic recovery in the European Union will not be served by taking money away from funding streams such as Horizon 2020 and the European Research Council. On the contrary, this would undermine our ability to fuel sustainable prosperity and growth by neglecting the substantial contribution that high-quality research and innovation makes to our economy and society. The Commission is cutting the Horizon 2020’s budget by 8.4% in 2016 and 8% in 2017. These are deep and damaging cuts, particularly affecting the Union’s ability to respond to grand challenges and develop excellent research.

We believe that there is a risk of fundamental weaknesses in the EFSI’s governance, accountability and priorities. Firstly, the Fund’s proposed governance indicates a reliance on non-expert civil servants. We recommend that a far more inclusive and decentralised governance structure be introduced. Member States should be empowered to short-list suggested projects to a decision-making body of independent experts, made up predominantly of researchers, and not only those affiliated with the Commission. We would, additionally, strongly recommend the involvement of the President of the European Research Council and its Scientific Council in the decision-making process.

Secondly, as regards accountability we recommend that the Managing Director, the Commission and the European Investment Bank report in person quarterly to the Council and in particular the Budgets; Industry, Research and Energy; and Economic and Monetary Affairs Committees of the European Parliament. We also recommend that the appointment of the Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director of the Fund should be approved by the European Parliament and the Council.

Thirdly, the Investment Plan as announced in December and the Regulation proposing the EFSI’s establishment reflect changing notions of the ESFI’s priorities. We are surprised that the Commission is so vague about the priorities of this instrument at this stage.

We recommend that the Fund focuses on five priorities or principles, which are written into the proposed Regulation aligned with the Europe 2020 strategy. They are: excellent research; education and training initiatives in particular to reduce inequalities; supporting the move to a low carbon economy; sustainable growth-enhancing infrastructure to help fight poverty and social exclusion; and providing working capital and risk financing to SMEs to drive employment.

In addition, we strongly recommend that existing and demonstrably effective delivery mechanisms for funding, such as the European Research Council and Horizon 2020, be used to deliver as much EFSI funding as possible. For example, with excellence in research being one EFSI priority, it is clear the European Research Council should be fully involved in selecting successful projects and in delivering the funding granted.

Click here to download the PDF version of the statement.

Click here to download the original statement issued by the British Academy.

Dame Helen Wallace to be awarded 2015 All European Academies Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values

Dame Helen WallaceIn honour of her highly respected and extensive scholarly work on political studies and policy in Europe, Dame Helen Wallace will be the second scholar to be awarded the All European Academies Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values; a prize initiated by ALLEA, the European Federation of Academies of Sciences and Humanities.

Professor Wallace´s research not only offers comprehensive and incisive insights into the political systems of Europe, but is also a powerful contribution towards analysing the complexity of European integration. “Especially in view of the growing scepticism towards European cooperation, it is even more imperative that we honour research such as Dame Helen’s which helps us better understand how European integration can be achieved”, says Professor Günter Stock, ALLEA President and chairman of the prize jury. “Dame Helen has provided us with an invaluable resource in her work. Her personal as well as her scholarly integrity is unwavering and her commitment to European cooperation is undisputed”.

The laureate has served as Foreign Secretary of the British Academy since 2011 and was previously Professor at the European Institute of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Professor Wallace’s research has focused on European politics in nearly every context and region, establishing her reputation as an authority in the field. Her seminal work Policy-Making in the European Union is currently entering its seventh printing. Her advice and consultation is sought after at the highest levels of European policy making.

The All European Academies Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values is co-sponsored by Stiftung Mercator and endowed with 25,000 EUR. ALLEA established the prize to pay tribute to the boundless intellectual and cultural diversity and richness of Europe, and to highlight how outstanding scholarly work, particularly in the fields of the humanities and social sciences, contributes to the understanding of Europe as a cultural and intellectual entity. The first laureate, Professor Luisa Passerini, received the prize from former European Commission President José Manuel Barroso in 2014 to honour her work on European cultural identity.

An official press invitation as well as information on registration and programme details will soon be released.

Click here to download the press release in PDF format.

Click here for more information about the All European Academies Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values.

ALLEA President Günter Stock Delivers Keynote Speech at Balzan Prizewinners’ Interdisciplinary Forum

On 21 November in Rome, the ALLEA President participated in the Balzan Prizewinners’ Interdisciplinary Forum, which was organised by the host, the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, as well as the International Balzan Prize Foundation.

Photo / Fondazione Balzan "Premio", Milano

Photo / Fondazione Balzan “Premio”, Milano

Professor Günter Stock introduced the forum with a keynote lecture. In his speech, he underlined the advantages prestigious awards such as the Balzan Prize offer the science and research system. By forming a list of desiderata that include such needs as true interdisciplinarity, the preservation of the roots of innovation – namely, curiosity-driven research including that in the social sciences and humanities – and effective science education for the younger generation, Professor Stock laid the groundwork for discussing the role of academies and foundations in achieving these goals.  He placed particular emphasis on the historic ability of academies and foundations to provide a safe environment for new ideas and research projects away from the mainstream and identify new challenges and needs at their earliest stages. Furthermore, he highlighted the unique position of these institutions in bringing science and the public closer together in order to promote a productive space for public deliberation. Lastly, Professor Stock lauded the cooperation between the Balzan Foundation and the Accademia dei Lincei as a glowing example of academies and foundations joining forces and emphasised the benefits of more institutions engaging in cooperative activities on behalf of the scientific community.

Photo / Fondazione Balzan "Premio", Milano

Photo / Fondazione Balzan “Premio”, Milano

Opening remarks were provided by Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Vice-President of the Accademia dei Lincei, who noted ALLEA’s “fundamental role” in addressing science policy issues, and Salvatore Veca, Chairman of the Balzan General Prize Committee. The 2014 Prize recipients, introduced by members of the General Prize Committee, then spoke about their careers while emphasising the achievements that earned them the Prize. The talks were followed by comments by panellists and questions from the audience, with Enrico Decleva, the President of the International Balzan Prize Foundation, acting as moderator.

To read Professor Stock’s keynote lecture, please click here.

To view a video of the forum, please click here.

The International Balzan Prize Foundation’s aim is to promote culture, the sciences and the most meritorious initiatives in the cause of humanity, peace and fraternity among peoples throughout the world.

Currently, four annual awards are given: two in literature, moral sciences and the arts; and two in the physical mathematical and natural sciences and medicine. Prize winners must designate half of their awards for research projects preferably carried out by young humanists and scientists.

At intervals of no fewer than three years, the Balzan Foundation also awards a prize for Humanity, Peace and Fraternity among Peoples.

Statement of principles released – Private sponsoring in the science enterprise, trust in science and academic freedom

PWGSEThe ALLEA Working Group on Science and Ethics just released a statement on “Private sponsoring in the science enterprise, trust in science and academic freedom” that includes the legal provisions for academic freedom in the ALLEA member countries.

The statement, initiated by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences and reviewed by the ALLEA Working Group, emphasises that public confidence in science relies on the credibility and integrity of scientists and their work. Academic freedom, without undue interference from third parties, is a key factor in that regard. The importance of academic freedom in the conduct of science is evidenced in legal texts at both the national and the supranational level (e.g. the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union), annexed to the statement.

During the last few years, private sponsoring in the scientific enterprise increased and gained in importance, thereby affecting academic freedom and the public perception of the independence of scientists and their work. While the statement concurs with the need for private sponsoring for scientific research, it expresses concern regarding the trustworthiness of scientists and their scientific advice. To ensure scientific autonomy and credibility, the statement makes recommendations for scientific institutions in the handling of private sponsoring, notably for university chairs, suggesting four key framework conditions that should be applied:

 1. Transparency on the contractual regulations between donor and recipient;
 2. Exclusion of influence of donors during appointment procedures;
3. Equal appointment procedures for privately and publicly funded chairs;
4. Explicit affirmation of academic freedom in teaching, research and public engagement.

The statement is available for download here.

ALLEA urges the President of the European Commission to maintain budget for Horizon 2020 programme in view of the proposal for a European Fund for Strategic Investments

Jean-Claude Juncker

Jean-Claude Juncker

In a letter sent to Jean-Claude Juncker on 9 December 2014, the ALLEA President responded to the proposal for a European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) which aims to boost job creation and economic recovery in Europe.

While ALLEA principally supports the Commission´s efforts to fuel sustainable growth and prosperity in the European Union, as well as tackling major concerns facing Europe such as unemployment amongst young people, it appears counter-productive to remove funds from Horizon 2020´s agreed budget and therewith impair the immense potential impact of high-quality research for growth and prosperity in Europe.

Considering that a total of € 2.7 billion is planned to be re-allocated from the Horizon 2020 budget to the European Fund for Strategic Investment the ALLEA President states: “The Horizon 2020 budget is already under pressure, with vastly increased demand and lower budget available in 2014 for key areas than the preceding year. In our view, decreasing this budget further in an area already agreed as a priority is not the way to proceed in order to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity.”

The EFSI proposal will be discussed by the European Council at its meeting on 18/19 December 2014. ALLEA encourages all member academies and other institutions and individuals from the scientific community in Europe to take all feasible actions in order to secure a stable and substantial budget for excellent and trans-disciplinary science and research.

Click here to read the full text of the letter.

Report Release: AEMASE International Conference on Science Education

AEMASE ReportAn excellent science and research system is directly related to the quality of its science education system, which has a monumental impact on the careers – and numbers – of future young scientists, researchers and innovators. This is true for all countries regardless of the stage of their development. A sound science education system accelerates a nation’s economic growth and boosts its innovation capacities, which ultimately raises the standard of living for its citizens. It can also improve the overall health of the population and help prevent the development and spread of dangerous extremist ideologies. However, science education is threatened by factors such as the global economic crisis and limited funding for educational institutions.

By implementing Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE), science educators can activate the natural curiosity of young pupils and increase the number of young people who choose to pursue scientific careers. Instead of talking at children, teachers can employ an investigative approach – that is, guiding students as they ask the questions and actively seek the answers. “Because curiosity and scientific interest are already present during the first years of childhood, the issue is not to instill these elements in young people, but rather to maintain and preserve them,” states ALLEA President Professor Günter Stock.

The African European Mediterranean Academies for Science Education (AEMASE) initiative is committed to promoting science outreach to society and to improving the quality and accessibility of science education in schools throughout the eponymous North-South region. To achieve these aims, one of AEMASE’s key activities is implementing IBSE in more schools and supporting the continued professional development of science educators in IBSE methodology and practice. In the long term, the AEMASE partner institutions, which come from all three geographical areas, seek to contribute to the steady development of quality science and innovation systems by focussing on stimulating and supporting the future generations of researchers and innovators.

In this context, key AEMASE partner institutions held an international conference on science education in Rome in May 2014, hosted by the venerable Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Participants from six continents shared their professional experiences with IBSE and discussed best practices, challenges and future collaboration opportunities. The conference brought together representatives from three crucial areas of expertise: science, education, and policy. The outcomes of this conference are condensed in the report which serves as a testament to the relevance and importance of quality science education for modern societies.

Printed copies of the report and the accompanying primer may be ordered from the ALLEA secretariat.

To read or download the report, primer, or press release, please click on the links below.

AEMASE International Conference on Science Education: Conference Report
Report Primer
Press Release

Science Policy after the European Elections – ALLEA newsletter release

Newsletter_2014-3_final-001ALLEA recently released its third and final newsletter for the year 2014, focussing on matters surrounding the topic “Science Policy after the European Elections”. The newsletter features a comprehensive look at key science policy makers on the EU level, recent changes and trends, and an interview with MEP and Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Professor Jerzy Buzek.

In the last six months, the arena of science policy on the European level has experienced numerous changes and welcomed many new faces. In July, the Italian Presidency took the helm of the Council of the European Union, while the European Parliament committees ITRE and CULT received new chairs and new members. On 1 November, the new Commission under President Jean-Claude Juncker began its five-year term – without, as was recently confirmed, the expert voice of a chief scientific adviser. President Juncker’s removal of not only the CSA but also the Bureau of European Policy Advisers under which the CSA post was subsumed has been met with growing anxiety as to the future of evidence-based independent science policy advice on the European level.

Thus, with this newsletter’s focus topic, ALLEA offers an overview of the current developments and trends in the arena of European science policy. The ALLEA interview with Professor Jerzy Buzek, Chair of the Industry, Research and Energy Committee at the European Parliament offers a glimpse into the current science policy climate in Brussels and Strasbourg. Moreover, beyond a presentation of the debate regarding the CSA and BEPA, the issue breaks down the most important changes and tendencies driving the Commission’s approach to science policy.

While this issue’s focus is meant to offer insight into the complex political structures that make science policy decisions in Europe, it also dovetails with the theme of the next ALLEA General Assembly, which will take place in April 2015 in Lisbon. 15 years after the “Lisbon Strategy” set out the goals for two decades of European science and research, ALLEA will return to the original Lisbon agenda and examine the strategy’s aims, what has actually been accomplished since 2000, and what still needs to be done. In this context, ALLEA is introducing a new section of this newsletter in which the rich and multifaceted profiles of our member academies are featured. In this issue, the spotlight shines on the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon before they generously open their beautiful halls to the next ALLEA General Assembly.

Last but far from least, the newsletter reports on the continued active engagement of the ALLEA Working Groups. The Working Group Science Education has released the complete “Academia-Industry Alliance: Joint Efforts in Science Education” report and will soon publish the AEMASE Conference Report, which details the proceedings of the May 2014 conference in Rome and will be produced as a printed booklet. Meanwhile, the Working Groups Science and Ethics and Intellectual Property Rights met to discuss possible future cooperation on cross-cutting issues of relevance for both expert groups.

To read the latest ALLEA newsletter, please click here.

ALLEA Board Meeting at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

The ALLEA Board met in Jerusalem on the premises of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities from 3 – 4 December 2014. Further to the reporting session on recent, current, and future ALLEA activities as well as on-going and planned future initiatives and projects by ALLEA´s five working groups, the meeting focused on ALLEA´s collaboration with other European academy organizations, including EASAC, Euro-CASE, Academia Europaea and FEAM in contributing to the evidence-based policy advice system in the European Union. 

With the new Commission in office since November 2014, a number of far-reaching decisions have been taken regarding the future role and structure of implementing scientific evidence in the policy-making process. Concretely, the position of the Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) was discontinued and the Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA) dissolved. The Board underlined the crucial role of scientific advice and called upon the President of the European Commission to elaborate a sound system that allow evidence–based positions to enter into the policy-making process.

The programme furthermore included a tribute from the ALLEA President to outgoing Board members Menahem Yaari and Peter Kennedy, since 2012 delegates of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Royal Irish Academy respectively, highlighting their invaluable contributions and great efforts for ALLEA over the last years. Board members joined the President in thanking both for the work and friendship over the last three years. 

The ALLEA Board at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

The ALLEA Board at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities from January 2015 onwards will be represented in the ALLEA Board by its President Professor Ruth Arnon, who had been warmly welcomed on the occasion of a dinner on the evening prior to the meeting on the invitation of the host academy. Ruth Arnon is an immunologist with a worldwide reputation. She is the Paul Ehrlich Professor of Immunology at the department of immunology at the Weizmann Institute of Science, which she formerly headed. Her scientific research has focused on the development of advanced vaccines, cancer research and parasitic diseases. She served as an adviser on scientific matters to Israel´s President, is a recipient of the Israel Prize and a member of the French Legion of Honor.

The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, established by the Knesset in 1961, is an all-embracing body with 112 members in two sections. It is administered by a six-member Council headed by President. It has spearheaded major initiatives like the Israel Science Foundation, the National Council for Research and Development and membership in CERN, ESRF, etc. Through 32 bi-national agreements the Academy promotes reciprocal scientific visits and coordinates international scientific workshops. It is Israel’s adhering member in major international scientific unions and organisations.