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The Race against Time for Smarter Development – A European Perspective

The UNESCO Science Report monitors trends in science governance worldwide to identify which development path countries are following. The latest 758-page UNESCO Science Report “The race against time for smarter development” provides an inventory of global efforts to move towards a digital and sustainable society and explores how countries are using science to realise a digitally and ecologically smart future.

Online Panel: Climate Sustainability in the Academic System

The ALLEA online panel ‘Climate Sustainability in the Academic System – the Why and the How’, held on 1 Feb 2022, offered an overview of the current levels of CO2-equivalent emmissions that can be tied to specific academic work, and the steps that universities, research centres, funding institutions as well as individual students and researchers can take to reduce their climate impact.

UNESCO General Conference Adopts Recommendation on Open Science

The UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science has been adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO at its 41st session on 23 November 2021. The Recommendation defines shared values and principles for Open Science and identifies concrete measures on Open Access and Open Data, with proposals to bring citizens closer to science and to facilitate the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge.