ALLEA President at the 2021 EUA Annual Conference

ALLEA President Antonio Loprieno, will be attending as speaker at “Session IV: The end of disciplines?” at the 2021 EUA Annual Conference on 23 April.

PERITIA Lecture: Quassim Cassam

As part of the PERITIA Lectures series, Quassim Cassam, Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Warwick, will present a talk on ‘Misunderstanding Conspiracy Theories’ on 20 April 2021. Registration is open to all but mandatory.

PERITIA Lecture: Naomi Oreskes on Trust in Science

In this PERITIA lecture, Naomi Oreskes offers a bold and compelling defense of science, revealing why the social character of scientific knowledge is its greatest strength―and the greatest reason we can trust it.

Webinar on Research Integrity

PERITIA Online Discussion: Creating a Climate of Trust

How can scientists and science communicators (re-)establish trust in trustworthy science in a changing media environment? As part of the international conference SCI:COM, PERITIA experts will discuss the different strategies used to tackle COVID-19 and their impact on trust in science communication under the motto “Creating a Climate of Trust in Science”.

Expert Workshop: ‘Evaluating Policies and Interventions to Reduce Health Inequalities: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue’

Initiated by the ALLEA-FEAM-KNAW Scientific Committee on Health Inequalities and for the third in a row, this expert workshop will aim at assessing available empirical and analytical methods to evaluate the impact of policies and interventions on socioeconomic inequalities in health.